Tag: Cybersmart

Ki o Rahi

Last Thursday Room six and I had a Ki o Rahi coach come to the classroom. Her name was coach Chelsea, and we watched a video, which was about the legend of Ki o rahi, the Maori game. After that we answered the questions (including me) and after the questions we played some tagging games outside ( it’s not Ki o Rahi yet). 

In the tagging game you have to put your back against your partner’s back. 

The teams were called Taniwha and Kioma. When someone says the team’s name and you’re in the team, you have to run to the end before the other team tags you and if it’s the opposite, you have to tag them before they go to the end. You get a point when you tag your partner. 

The next game is called Octopus (don’t blame me if you know this game) so there is one tagger, and the tagger says what someone is wearing and if you are wearing that, then you have to run to the end without getting tagged. If you get tagged you are a seaweed, and you can’t move but someone running close to you can free you. We didn’t play Ki o Rahi because it was raining sadly but hopefully next week.








Jaeden making my tree hut

Last term, Room six and I made tree huts. I collected: a piece of cardboard paper, plastic, 

Duck tape,  glue and an ice cream lid. There were some things that I used in school too, and they were  wooden mini sticks, polystyrene, a cylinder wooden stick, paper rolls and  plastic strings. It was really fun drawing our designs and then starting to make our tree huts. The  part that I liked was everything!  

We could even paint our tree huts! When it was that week, that was probably the first best week of my entire life! Most of us survived the challenge. The challenge for our tree huts was to survive the weight of four pairs of scissors, the wind and the rain. I was really happy 

I was one of the winners. Most of the people won too!

I used the wooden mini sticks, the plastic and polystyrene for the roof, the cardboard paper and the glad wrap, and duct tape for the walls. I like my tree hut, including everyone’s tree huts too. 

When it was after school I treasured my complete masterpiece, but it kept on moving fifteen degrees over a little bit and falling down so I had to use something to stand it up. There was a roof, three windows, a door, a heavy base, a trunk and floor on the tree hut.





About me


Hello! My name is Jaeden and I am eight years old. I live in Takanini. The school I go to is called Saint Patrick’s School in Panmure, and my culture is Filipino. I have a sister who is older than me and we live with our Mum and Dad.

I am good at Cricket, football, running, writing, maths reading, drawing, helping people, understanding some words and Religious Education.

This year, my challenge is to be a fast and creative writer and be more respectful to people. My goals are to be a kind, caring and a loving person to other people.

 I am looking  forward to being an expert artist plus, drawer and to know my thirteen, fourteen and 15 times tables. 

The person who inspires me is my Mother because she picks us up and our house is a long way away from School. I love saint Patrick’s School because people care for you plus there’s a lot of fun and good learning.

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