Road To Paris

Today we finally finished our goal to reach Paris, so we had to blog about it. I also wanted to blog, “What is the road to Paris? Why did we do the road to Paris?” and more. Road to Paris is a site where we could compete to reach the goal. You can  compete with other schools and classes, including people.

To reach the goal, you need to do exercise like running, including sports. If you find trouble trying to convert, there is a link to find how much kilometres you did. The goal is to reach 1507 km. The reason why we did it is because we needed exercise and we wanted to also train like the athletes.

There are also milestones which give you information about it and how some of the milestones have athletes can congratulate you for reaching the milestone. The time we started it is on Term 2, week 2.

We started in Marseille and ended in Paris.


What I Did In Matariki

Last Friday, my family and I went to Auckland city because my mother bought 2 tickets for my sister and I to ice skate. When we parked our car, walked and arrived at Paradice Ice Skating,  it was already one o’clock pm. So we waited in line for 5 minutes then my mother showed her QR code so we could get our skates.

After we got our skates, we hurried along to try our skates. At first, it felt kind of wonky since I forgot to ice skate. After 10 or 15 minutes, I got the hang of it. I tried to spin like my sister did, but I almost fell so I just focused on speed skating. After a while, I felt bored so I kept on trying to spin until I also got the hang of it. 

After skating, we went out and walked around the city, looking to try out new food and stores. We also found a 3 storey building that was closing down so we went inside and explored the first floor which had clothes and makeup. Unfortunately, I’m not patient so I kept on complaining to my mother since it’s only for girls. 

Then we went to the second floor which also had clothes and more girl things including jewellery if I remember correctly. Then we went to the third floor which had decorations and ornaments. 

It also had expensive wine and champagne, like gucci champagne and wine. Fun fact, they served gucci champagne when people entered to shop around. Lastly, there’s special chocolate and sweets like mixed fudge. (which is vanilla fudge, chocolate fudge and russian fudge) and more. Since the store is closing down, we bought the chocolate fudge for eleven dollars if my memory serves me right. Then, we left and continued walking until we were getting hungry.

  We then proceeded to a pizzeria and got a 40 cm pizza (I forgot how much it cost). It is one of the cheesiest and most delicious pizzas I have eaten in a long time which filled me up a quarter but remember that we were just getting started and we just wanted to taste  it.

While we were eating, we also ate the mixed fudge but I looked at the ingredients and it had so much sugar so we only ate one! We also looked at an ice cream and waffle shop because it’s next to the pizzeria. Unfortunately, we’re only tasting not eating like it’s dinner, so we ordered one waffle with ice cream (I forgot the flavour) and cinnamon.

The waffle is really crunchy and a little soft. The ice cream is creamy like any normal ice cream but it’s a little more special because of the sweet cinnamon. We all took bites but my sister and I  ate most of the waffles because I think that it is too sweet for them.

Now I was either one half full or even three quarters full so we walked for some time, looking around shops. We were also craving for more sugary foods so my mother bought four donuts. Two of them were oreo donuts and the other two were caramel. My sister and I got the oreo donuts since my mother and father don’t like them so they got the caramel. When I first bit in the donut, I thought that its a normal donut with just toppings, but when I took a bite again, I realised that it has an oreo cream filling and it is one of the most unhealthiest donuts I’ve had so I gave a little bit to my mother and father.

I was so full that I tried walking but it was hard, so we explored more and walked more until we found a bakery so my mother bought a matcha bread with small mochi in it and a dirty chocolate bread with cream in it if I didn’t forget.

Since I was so full, I didn’t eat anything until my sister told me that there is mochi inside of the matcha bread so I ate some. I also ate some dirty chocolate bread so I knew what it tasted like.

Since I rested while eating, I had some appetite and because we looked at a chicken restaurant, we went there and ordered 2 crispy drum and 2 wings, with a little bit of spicy bulgogi which is a sweet sauce. When I tasted it, it was spicy but not too much. 

Sadly, there’s only more crispy skin than the meat. At Least the skin isn’t flabby!  After we finished eating, washing our hands, we waited 20 or 30 minutes for my dad to write a message to his work mate or something. I think I might’ve made my dad angry since I kept on complaining until he told me to stop.

After he finished his message we walked around and I thought that we’re going back home but remember that we’re just exploring so sadly we went to Nando’s Chicken for dinner. When we sat down, we ordered one full grilled chicken, 4 large thick rippable pitas, spicy rice (which isn’t spicy),4 extra small pitas and hummus with a free hot sauce for it. When we got our food, my sister complained that she wanted fries instead of spicy rice but my mothers explained that we’re eating dinner so no more exploring since we’ve eaten at Nando’s two or three times.

The chicken tasted so fresh and tender, even the breasts of the chicken which is normally dry were tender! The pitas tasted a little bit fresh even though I think I saw them microwaving them but they tasted a lot more fresh with hummus. The hummus had a light taste but with the free hot sauce, it had a good kick!  The spicy rice wasn’t  that spicy but my sister said that it was spicy. I think her spice tolerance is low since she doesn’t try spice that much. Usually, we’re hungry if we don’t eat anything, but my sister and I ate so much that we had to get boxes for our food to take home.

In the end, we walked on our way back to our car and put all our things, including the mixed fudge into the trunk of the car and went on the motorway back home. I’ve had the best time here in Auckland even though I complained sometimes but I wish I could do it again in Auckland city with my family.

Facts About Hayden Wilde

Today I wanted to do facts about Hayden Wilde because we were looking into athletes that are going to Paris for the 2024 Olympic Games. Here are some facts about Hayden Wilde because he is competing for New Zealand:

Hayden Wilde competes with the men’s triathlon / he is a  triathlete. A triathlon means to do 3 sports without stopping, and those sports are running, swimming, and cycling.

Hayden Wilde has 2 brothers, a step Dad, and Mum. Sadly, I  couldn’t find their names. Hayden Wilde is 1.75m tall / 175cm but if you round them up, Hayden Wilde is 1.8m / 180cm.

Hayden Wilde was born on the 1st of September, 1997, Taupo, New Zealand. He also grew up in Whakatane. He now lives in Tauranga, where he trains with his coach, Craig Kirkwood.

Hayden Wilde won 1 bronze medal in Tokyo, 2021. He won New Zealand’s first triathlon in 13 years.


Cybersmart Challenge: New Zealand Sign Language

This week, it’s New Zealand sign language for deaf people. So I did a new cybersmart challenge which is to learn New Zealand sign language. I first had to look at videos that show movements like to create something. It took a while to understand but I got the hang of it.

Then, I had to finger spell my name. Here is the finger spelling alphabet:

These are the finger spells for my name:


After that, we had to record our name. This is me saying hello and what’s my name:

If you want to know more about sign language, press these links.



Cybersmart Challenge

Today I needed to do a blog because we have to post a blog every week. So I went into the Cybersmart Challenges and I found a challenge called; ‘Using Your Webcam’. So I started and I first watched a video since I was using 3×3 grid. It’s called; ‘Rule Of Thirds’, where you have to make the thing or item you want to picture and you need to make it on the left, right, above, or below the middle square. Here are some photos I tried to do;



I also learned how to make a ‘GIF’ by going to your camera, then, you press ‘video’ and then ‘GIF’. After that, you have to move or do something. This is the emoji I did a GIF about:

Press this link because it won’t work here so I did it in a slide:







Saint Patrick’s Day

Last week, on Friday the 15th of March, we went to Mass and sang since my school is religious and it’s about the saint of my school, Saint Patrick. When we finished Mass, we walked back and got our chromebooks. After we got our chromebooks, we went into a doc that Mr Bell shared with us in GMail. The things inside of the doc are the links that we could play around with.


Fun Fact! The feast day of Saint Patrick is actually on March the 17th, on Sunday, but we celebrate on March the 15th because we have mass on Friday. I first started on the top left link. The activity I did was to listen to the life and facts about Saint Patrick. In times where you are listening, it will ask you questions, for example, what did the pirates that kidnapped Patrick believed in? They actually believed in paganism.


I listened more and answered, getting them right. After finishing the video, it showed me the score I got, which is a score of 100 percent, which made me surprised because  in the classroom, it was really loud, from talking and playing the video loud, After closing the tab, I went back to the doc and chose the link for coding, and one of the things I’d like to learn, is coding! So I pressed the link and I first played a game where you have to go through a short and reach the picture of Saint Patrick and his Shamrock.

Pretty easy if you ask me. When I reached there, I thought that there was a surprise waiting for me, so I did it again until there were actually no surprises. So I watched the tutorial on how to code, then I went to where you can code, and started playing with codes. My idea is to make a game where you have to bounce the ball onto a small platform, then you have to glide into the air until you see a platform. Sounds easy, right? Well no it’s not easy. The first problem is, how do you make the ball jump? Sure, there is a command for the ball when it’s near the edge of the platform. This is where the second problem begins.


How do I make a platform and how do you use it? After I tried figuring the problems out, the bell rang and I was really excited, until Mr Bell said that there were no activities and it would be postponed to the 18th of March because of how wet and rainy it is.


               MONDAY    18/3/24    8:45


This Monday, it’s finally the time to do the activities for Saint Patrick’s day! So my classmates and I went back to class and waited for Mr Bell to mark us in the roll. The time Mr Bell finished marking us in the roll, we lined up, single filed, ready to walk out of the class. So we walked out of class and sat down in 1 row, in front of room 8. Then, room 6, the class that started assembly, said a bunch of greetings then started the sign of the cross, after that, they said 2 prayers about the event and another one about Jesus.


Then, they prayed the 5 prayers of the faithful. After that, Mrs Agnew did a shoutout to me because I was the one who mostly prepared the prayer table. It made me feel stage fright because I thought that everyone looked at me. Meanwhile I was thinking, Mrs Agnew called the people that got certificates, but sadly, I didn’t get one. After the people got their certificates, we walked back to class and continued with the doc Mr Bell shared us with. The doc is actually called the Saint Patrick’s Taskboard.


When the bell rang, I filled my bottle, got food, and changed into my P.E clothes. Then, we played with a football or tennis ball until the bell rang. Then, we sat, single filed, in class groups. After that, Mrs Bullot split us into 10 groups. There are so many things I did this Monday, I did 4 activities with the teachers, Ms Kyle, Mr Bell, Mrs Agnew and Mr Carol. I reached 3rd place and ate ice blocks. I would write more but it would be too long!

My Tribute to Akira Toriyama

Today we were learning and writing a tribute to Akira Toriyama because he made one of the most famous manga and anime, which is Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z. He is also famous for making people’s childhoods and because he inspired other anime,  like Naruto or One Piece. Click This link to read my Tribute.

About Hauraki Gulf Marine Reserve

On Monday, room 7 and I were learning about the Hauraki Gulf Marine Reserve. Here are the facts about the Hauraki Gulf Marine Reserve:

The Hauraki Gulf Marine Reserve is 60 metres deep and it is 1.2 million hectares long, and if you convert that to acres, it is 2965264.578 acres, and if you convert that to square metres, is is 12000000001.595 square metres or 12 billion square metres.

It is also one of the biggest marine parks in the world and it is very different compared to other marine parks. Over 25 percent of the southern hemisphere’s marine mammals have been seen in the Hauraki Gulf Park.

It is also visited by more than 20 percent of the world’s seabirds. Hauraki Gulf  is known for being the largest marine reserve in New Zealand. In Hauraki Gulf, there are 6 marine reserves. There are more than 50 islands in the Hauraki Gulf Park.

The most well known islands are Rangitoto, Motutapu, Waiheki, Aotea / Great Barrier Island, Tiritirimātangi and Goat island.

Press this link to hear and see the facts in a slideshow!






My Sailing Experience

Yesterday, on the 29th of February,  I luckily arrived  with my friend, Graziel, when it was a few minutes away from 8:15 because we had to start walking at 8:25. So I removed my outer clothes because I had my swimming togs under my school uniform, got my towel, shoes that I could use for walking and for getting wet and goggles just in case.

After that, I put my school uniform into my swimming bag.Then, I put my swimming bag back into the cloak bay which is where we put our bags. A few minutes later, Mr Bell told us to call the other students who are in my class.

 We got our hats from Mrs Agnew because it would be hotter in the water. When Marii and I were going to call them, we did a little race but she got ahead of me because she went first. When Marii arrived at the canopy, she shouted to our classmates to come back to room 7. Our other classmates were a little worried and anxious because they were supposed change. But luckily, we didn’t really need to change. So we got all our bags and sat down at the canopy. Once all of us were there, Mr Bell asked Pio to do prayers because he is really good at starting and ending prayers. 

So Pio accepted and did a prayer to pro0tect us when we were walking and sailing. Once Pio finished prayers, Mrs Bullot, our principal, said to partner up so it is easier to count. I  partnered up with Pio, then we prayed each prayer like the Hail Holy Queen prayer. After praying, we went across Church Crescent, down Basin View Road and  crossed Lagoon Road.

Once we finished walking, we met Steph and Allie, who came from Yachting New Zealand. We also met Blair, who came  from Panmure Lagoon Sailing Club. We learned the parts of the yacht like the rudder which to use if you face it left, it will go right, including the mainsail and the centreboard which is like a fin.

We learned the positions on where we sat like if you are controlling the mainsail, you sit nearest the mainsail making your feet face forward and opposite when you are controlling the rudder. To also get more speed, you have to paddle with your hands which hurts your arm.

I also forgot to tell you but the year 5s from room 6 also came from you. Georzen and I were the first ones, we were sitting together. Then Graziel and Marii were second and they passed us. After they passed us, the others came. We made a comeback and passed them. Steph and Allie said that Georzen and I were doing really good. It was until Georzen and I thought that we should team up with Graziel and Marii.

After Marii and Graziel teamed with us, we had to collect ducks and throw them into the boat Steph and Allie were in. If we accidentally dropped a duck, Graziel and Marii would get them and pass it back, same for us as well to be fair for teaming. Again, I ALSO forgot to say that after knowing how to do the controls, we played this game called follow the bubbles. To play it, Steph and Allies boats use a motor to make bubbles, and we have to follow the bubbles.

After following the bubbles and collecting and throwing ducks. All of us had to capsize. A  capsize is to flip your yacht upside down. So Georzen and I did that by using the pole which is where the sail is connected by it. After doing that, we also had to flip it back to the normal side  which is really hard. So Georzen went to push the back of the yacht and I had to climb to the centreboard and pull it to me. After using all my strength, we pushed the yacht back to its normal position.

Then I went and climbed inside of the yacht and helped Georzen to climb on. Georzen wanted to help others but he capsized the boat again so I had to do the whole thing again. I would love to explain and share more but it is really long but I hope that you have a nice day.