Road To Paris

Today we finally finished our goal to reach Paris, so we had to blog about it. I also wanted to blog, “What is the road to Paris? Why did we do the road to Paris?” and more. Road to Paris is a site where we could compete to reach the goal. You can  compete with other schools and classes, including people.

To reach the goal, you need to do exercise like running, including sports. If you find trouble trying to convert, there is a link to find how much kilometres you did. The goal is to reach 1507 km. The reason why we did it is because we needed exercise and we wanted to also train like the athletes.

There are also milestones which give you information about it and how some of the milestones have athletes can congratulate you for reaching the milestone. The time we started it is on Term 2, week 2.

We started in Marseille and ended in Paris.


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