Tasting Anzac Biscuits


On Thursday afternoon, Mrs Agnew bought us ANZAC biscuits. She gave us all one anzac biscuit each. I was filled with joy, taking the anzac biscuit with my hand. It felt like looking into the past of where a lot of Australian and New Zealand fighters lost their lives by fighting for our country and for their family. The ANZAC biscuit was made by Australian and New Zealand women who baked the biscuit for the soldiers who were in war. The anzac biscuit could be stored for five to six months and they had a long way to travel to get to the soldiers. When I sank my fangs into the biscuit, it was so sweet and delicious, it was like I was eating a  slice of vanilla cake! The biscuit looked like a golden brown colour with bits of oats sticking on the top. It felt bumpy on the top but on the bottom of the biscuit it was smooth like concrete.

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